Monday, October 22, 2012

5 months or 22 weeks or 152 days!

Time is ticking down. Sometimes it feels like it's all going by so slowly and we have way more to do than we have time for. Other times, it feels like our wedding date is approaching like a big linebacker in football.

Things have been a bit crazy for me lately.

My car, Jimmy, broke down and had to be towed. Except...nothing was wrong with him? On the plus side, because I was driving my parents' suburban for a week, it was quite easy to trade mattresses with Kevin. I am now sleeping on full sized mattress from the guest room and getting amazing rest, thank you very much!

I got a mouse in my room. Just one. We caught him, he's gone. But it did kick us into gear on packing up my stuff and cleaning out my room. Which is really great, and I've been able to bless some friends of ours with clothes I'm not wearing much. Double yay! And the more we pack up now, the more we can get to Kevin's house before the snow flies. Triple yay!

Third, my knee has been acting up like crazy. I haven't come up with a positive outcome from this. It's actually quite a bit better today, and I'm not complaining! Yesterday after church the elders prayed for my knee. I feel loved! But in the meantime, it's been 2 or 3 weeks of pain in the knee, so I'm glad that seems to be wrapping up.

This weekend was the craft fair at Logan, which we go to every year because my grandma has a booth there. This year, I got to bring along my FIANCE! Last year I brought along my boyfriend. Heheehee! My Uncle Jerry, who happens to be a pastor and happens to be performing the marriage ceremony for Kevin and I, was the one to bring my grandma up to the craft show this year. SO! Kevin and I got to sit down with the pastor and talk about our wedding! I did get teased a little about my priorities (like shoes) but all in all it was a really great meeting! WOOT!

Ok, I still don't know what I'm going to do about shoes. But in the meantime, I've got a really strong idea for centerpieces, my mom is helping with the flowers, the hotel rooms are booked, and the invitations are coming along well. I think that updates everything I posted about last time, but if not, here's a quick shout out to other things we've check-marked on the list. The caterer is picked and we picked our meal. It's gonna be yummy. We picked the cake and are ironing out some details there. The invitations just need the wording to be polished and then we can order them. The Save the dates were sent and hopefully received! Only one has come back, you guys have no excuses not to come!

Please continue to keep Kevin and I in your prayers. Wedding planning is really just training for conflict management, isn't it? Pretty soon we start pre-martial counceling. EXCITING!

Only 5 months left! OR Only 22 weeks left. OR only 152 days left!!!!!

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