Friday, September 7, 2012

Cake, Caterers, and Party Time!

This week, Kevin and I have been focused on trying to get a caterer. We have several good leads and are continuing to do research into the options available. One frustrating thing (of many) is that almost all of our options want to do buffet. I really dislike doing buffet for the food at a wedding. Like, really really. It takes forever, it's very impersonal, and it's just a bit...I don't know. I just am not a big fan. The price per person fluctuates quite a bit, though the highest end would be pasta from Victoria's, which is a very fancy restaurant.

There are lots of hidden costs with caterers. Like, using plates. It costs an extra couple dollars PER PERSON to use plates. That isn't including silverware or glasses. But paper plates are free. I'm not using paper plates for my wedding. Nor plastic silverware. This isn't a picnic. I wouldn't wear that fancy of a dress to a picnic! Servers also cost extra. Some charge for cake cutting, some don't. I feel like my head is spinning sometimes! We'll figure it out, though, and end up with something great.

Two super cute anecdotes about my sweet fiancee. I have been in a Pride and Prejudice kick lately, and I was contemplating Kevin dressed as Mr. Darcy. He really does have the body type to pull off regency clothing VERY well. MMmm. So I told him that I was drooling over the idea of him dressed as Mr. Darcy, and he offered to dress that way for the wedding. How cute is that? Ok, made slightly less cute by the fact that he didn't know what kind of clothes Mr. Darcy wears, but still. A sweet offer. Secondly, I have been stressing lately about trying to find really cute wedding shoes that are comfortable and very low. I can wear heels, I just am not good at it and they hurt my feet. The problem is that I grew up wanting glass slippers to wear to my wedding. That isn't going to happen, and the plastic imitations are rather gross, so no go there either. Kevin realized I was stressed about finding just the right shoes that were pretty and sparkly, so he started trying to find pretty shoes for me. His taste in lady's shoes isn't great, but he tried and that was so super sweet!

This weekend is, thankfully, not nearly as busy as LAST weekend. As fun as it was, we squeezed a LOT into that long weekend. Tomorrow (Saturday) I get to see Kevin here in La Crosse. It's his turn to visit me. We're going to attempt to get the breaks on my car looked at. More exciting than that, we're going to my friend Sharon's birthday party! WOO HOO! She's an awesome lady and a super geek, so of course I adore her. Also very exciting, tomorrow at 6 we are going to a cake tasting!! YUM! These are the bakers that I really want to make the cake and they say that they can deliver to Rochester. Here's hoping! It would be really nice to pin down the caterers and the bakers this week! The photographers are pinned down now too! Another big check off the list!

 Only 6 months and 16 days to go...but who is counting? :-D

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